A Challenge to Think Differently: Newton’s Laws

If you’ve been following the blog for a while, you’re probably familiar with our friend Josh Newton

Josh is a three-time RAISE speaker (check out his 2020 session) and the current SVP for Advancement and Alumni Engagement at Emory University. After consistently blowing us away with his industry insights and desire to push advancement forward, he’s launched a new blog. And trust us, this is not something you’ll want to miss.

A Challenge to Think Differently

Throughout a storied career in advancement, Josh has “worked the phones, coordinated bowl-a-thons and black-tie dinners, stuffed (and licked) thousands of direct mail envelopes, traveled hundreds of thousands of miles by car and plane to visit with donors across the globe, and coordinated and executed major campaigns.” 

Unsurprisingly, these experiences have led Josh to offer advice to other professionals and take a stand for the future of advancement in his new blog. 

Here’s what he has to say… 


  • It’s time for a wake-up call in our profession; we must become part of the conversation
  • Influence, change the way we build and execute our programs
  • Focus on relationships over metrics, hold staff accountable, engage in the dialogue on rising higher education costs, and raise awareness about how endowments work

Emory University's Josh Newton delivers an inspiring spotlight addressing challenges in higher education philanthropy.

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