Unique Holiday Campaigns to Energize Your Donor Engagement

Feeling stuck in a holiday campaign rut? Looking to engage donors in a unique, unexpected, and creative way? Don’t worry! We’ve taken care of the hard work of thinking “outside the box” – and have drummed up five campaigns you can run during unique times of year to keep your donors connected to your organization. 

Here are five ideas to get you started using two of our favorite methods: personalized video and direct mail. Let’s dive in!

1. New Year’s Kickoff: Start Fresh and Energized 🎆

Timing: January
Why It’s Great: The New Year is a time for fresh starts and setting goals. It’s the perfect moment to engage your audience with a message of renewal and excitement.

Top Tips:

  • Personalized Videos: Create a warm, inviting video message from your leadership team or a familiar face at your organization. Share highlights from the past year and preview what’s to come. Personal touches, like mentioning specific achievements made possible by donor support, can make the message even more impactful.
  • Direct Mail: Send out New Year’s cards featuring a calendar of key events and milestones. Include a handwritten note or personal message to show appreciation and build anticipation for the year ahead.

2. Valentine’s Day: Show Your Appreciation with Heart ❤️

Timing: February
Why It’s Great: Valentine’s Day offers a perfect opportunity to express gratitude and affection towards your supporters.

Top Tips:

  • Personalized Videos: Send heartfelt video messages expressing your genuine thanks. Highlight specific examples of how their contributions have made a difference. A video from someone directly impacted by their support can add a personal touch.
  • Direct Mail: Mail out personalized Valentine’s cards or small tokens of appreciation. Include handwritten notes from beneficiaries or staff to make it extra special.

Bonus: If you’re working with an alumni population, celebrate their campus love stories! Check out our guide on how to do just that.

3. Summer Solstice: Illuminate Your Impact on the Longest Day ☀️

Timing: June
Why It’s Great: Your organization’s future is so bright (thanks to donor support!) that you need sunglasses! The Summer Solstice marks the longest day of the year and celebrates the beauty of the season. It’s a fantastic opportunity to highlight the bright impact your organization has made and celebrate the transformative power of donor contributions.

Top Tips:

  • Personalized Videos: Create vibrant, uplifting videos that showcase the impactful work your organization has accomplished with donor support. Share stories of growth and renewal, and highlight specific projects or initiatives that have been made possible through their generosity.
  • Direct Mail: Send out materials that reflect the theme of light and brightness, such as colorful postcards or inspiring updates on your organization’s activities. Include personal stories of how donor support has brought joy and positive change, reinforcing the theme of lighting up lives through their contributions.

4. World Kindness Day: Celebrate and Foster Positivity 🤝

Timing: November
Why It’s Great: World Kindness Day is all about spreading positivity and celebrating acts of kindness, making it a great time for impactful outreach.

Top Tips:

  • Personalized Videos: Create videos that share stories of kindness and the positive impact of your organization’s work. Feature testimonials from those who have benefited from your initiatives to illustrate the difference kindness makes.
  • Direct Mail: Send kindness-themed cards or impact reports that highlight the positive outcomes of donor contributions. Include personal stories and messages to reinforce the impact of their support.

5. National Philanthropy Day: Celebrate the Spirit of Giving 🌟

Timing: November 15
Why It’s Great: National Philanthropy Day is dedicated to recognizing and celebrating the generosity and impact of philanthropy. It’s an excellent opportunity to honor your donors and highlight the transformative power of their contributions.

Top Tips:

  • Personalized Videos: Create videos that showcase the incredible impact of philanthropy within your organization. Feature stories from beneficiaries and testimonials from key supporters. Highlight specific projects or achievements made possible by donor generosity, and include heartfelt thank you messages from your leadership team.
  • Direct Mail: Send out special recognition cards or certificates of appreciation to your donors. Include inspiring stories and updates on how their contributions have made a significant difference. Consider creating a “Donor Spotlight” series, where you highlight individual donors or groups who have made substantial impacts.

By celebrating National Philanthropy Day, you can deepen your connection with supporters and acknowledge the vital role they play in advancing your mission. Embrace this opportunity to show your gratitude and inspire continued generosity.

 Using personalized videos and direct mail enhances your campaigns and makes your messages stand out. Ready to cut through the noise? Let us know!

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