Change Management in Fundraising: The University of Memphis’ Blueprint for Success

In today’s fast-paced fundraising world, adopting new tech isn’t just beneficial—it’s crucial. But let’s be real: moving from recognizing the need for change to actually making it happen can be a challenge. For many fundraising professionals, managing this transition requires strategic planning, clear communication, and solid support.

The University of Memphis recently tackled this challenge head-on, successfully rolling out Signal by EverTrue. Their journey shows just how powerful effective change management can be in transforming fundraising efforts and bringing teams together. Let’s dive in!

Onboarding Signal: Memphis’ Game-Changing Decision

When the University of Memphis recognized the need to level up their donor engagement, they turned to Signal by EverTrue. Their frontline fundraisers already trusted EverTrue to help do their jobs “easier, better, and faster”. But, they wanted a system that could manage “prescribed timed communication,” ensuring that every touchpoint was strategic and consistent. As Kimberly Grantham, AVP for Advancement, put it, “We were looking for a tool that helped us do that, we knew that was the right method. We were struggling with the technology to make it happen. So when EverTrue came to us and said this is something they’re working on, we absolutely raised both hands and said yes, count us in…because it helped us bring our vision to life.”

The Imperative of Change Management

We all know the benefits of advanced fundraising tech—better data insights, personalized donor outreach, streamlined workflows. But here’s the kicker: managing the change that comes with these tools is where the real work begins. Change management isn’t just about plugging in new software; it’s about guiding your team through a shift in mindset and daily operations.

For Memphis, transitioning to Signal was more than just upgrading their tech stack—it was about rethinking how they approached donor engagement and team collaboration. By planning out their change management focus areas, they were able to implement new strategies that really moved the needle. Making this a priority ensured that the team wasn’t just equipped with the right tools, but also aligned in how they used them.

Securing Team Buy-In: The Memphis Approach

One of the biggest hurdles in change management? Getting your team on board. Let’s face it: change can be intimidating, especially when it means learning new systems and shaking up familiar routines. But getting buy-in is crucial for any new initiative to succeed.

At the University of Memphis, leadership knew they had to get the team involved early. By clearly communicating the benefits of Signal and addressing concerns right off the bat, they built trust and got everyone excited about the new tools. This approach didn’t just make the transition smoother—it empowered team members to embrace the change and contribute to its success.

Katharine Heughan, Prospect Development Analyst, shared her perspective on securing buy-in from a research angle: “I could see the benefit of the cadences from my view. We had all of this screening data, all of this research…but we needed a strategy for how to contact them.” For Heughan, Signal provided that clear structure, making it easier to manage outreach and support the fundraising team. “It was easy to buy into because it was like we knew who we needed to contact…I felt like I was able to easily show our fundraising staff how I could leverage it to support them and support what they were doing.”


The Phased Approach: Innovation Meets Stability

Innovation is awesome, but it needs to be balanced with stability. The University of Memphis nailed this by taking a phased approach to rolling out Signal, giving their team time to adapt while keeping day-to-day workflows running smoothly.

Central to this approach was cadence-based outreach—a strategy that breaks down donor engagement into manageable, scheduled activities. This method gave the team a structured framework, ensuring consistency in donor interactions while they got comfortable with the new tech. By managing the change in a deliberate way, Memphis was able to minimize disruption and maximize the benefits of Signal.

Grantham described the training that made this phased approach successful: “This is our second year to have a frontline fundraiser boot camp…We were very intentional in making sure we were equipping our staff with the information they needed about the resources we want them to use and then really thoughtfully connecting the dots.” Their commitment to ongoing support ensured that the team was not just trained, but continuously engaged with the new technology, making the transition smoother and more effective.


Unifying the Team Around a Shared Vision

The biggest win from Memphis’ change management strategy? Bringing the whole team together around a common goal. By integrating Signal into their daily routines and monthly planning, they created a more cohesive and efficient approach to fundraising. This wasn’t just about getting everyone on the same platform; it was about aligning the entire team around a shared vision.

One area where this unification will shine through is in managing principal gifts. Tara Jones, Senior VP for Advancement, explained how they are bringing together various departments to strategize around high-level donor engagement: “We have started pulling together our deans, our major gift officers, and our prospect development group…to talk through our principal gift prospects, donors, and their families about the best ways to engage them.” Signal is playing a critical role in coordinating these efforts, especially through task management and calendar integration, which made collaboration seamless.

Jones shared a lightbulb moment: “We just discovered last week that we can do the task assignment via the Signal platform. Kimberly was super excited, and had a cheering moment when we talked about that.” The takeaway? A flexible, responsive tool like Signal can adapt to meet the team’s evolving needs.

Task Management and Collaboration: Getting Things Done

Task management is key for any fundraising team, especially when you’re coordinating across departments. The University of Memphis leveraged Signal’s task management features to streamline these processes, making sure tasks were assigned, tracked, and completed without a hitch.

Jones emphasized the impact: “We were struggling with lots of tasks for our deans and other leadership, but they’re not in the platform. Now that we have those pieces and parts in place, we want to be able to use that task assignment so we can share those things out.” By integrating Signal with their existing calendar systems, Memphis made sure everyone—whether they were direct users of the platform or not—was on the same page.


The Power of Change Management

The University of Memphis’ experience is a playbook for any institution looking to try something new. Their success underscores the importance of a well-executed change management strategy—one that secures buy-in, allows for gradual adoption, and aligns the team around a shared vision.

By balancing innovation with stability and making sure every team member is equipped and excited to contribute, they’ve set a new standard for success in the fundraising world – and this is just the beginning.

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