AI, Fundraising, and the Future of EverTrue

Signal by EverTrue

We recently unveiled our vision for AI, Fundraising, and the Future of EverTrue. Read on for thoughts from EverTrue CEO and Founder, Brent Grinna. “As I prepared to send my kids back to school, I reflected back on a truly fun and rewarding summer. There were some great moments – golfing with my kids, striper […]

Personalization at Scale: How AI Will Change Advancement

To my higher ed friends: Here’s the punchline. You educated the creators of AI. You’re raising money for AI. Now you’ve got to walk the walk. Armin Afsahi and I just left the CASE Summit Stage where we co-presented on the 10 Ways AI will Change Advancement. We’ll cover the salient and specific points of […]

EverTrue & ThankView — We’re merging!

[confetti] That’s right. Cue the confetti. This is cause for a big — neigh (get it? 🦄), a HUMONGOUS — celebration! EverTrue and ThankView have joined forces to become one team with one purpose. We are here for you to create a personal experience for every donor. Every alum. Every parent. Every friend. Every supporter. […]

Donor Experience by EverTrue

Hi Everyone, Brent Grinna, Founder and CEO of EverTrue, here.  I recently read this quote about hope from the author and activist Rebecca Solnit. She says, “Hope locates itself in the premises that we don’t know what will happen and that in the spaciousness of uncertainty is room to act. Hope is an… alternative to […]

Here’s what EverTrue is doing (and will do) to fight racism

EverTrue founder and CEO Brent Grinna shares what we’re doing — and what we will do — as a company to confront systemic racism and injustice.   At EverTrue, we believe that Black Lives Matter. During this time of intense mourning and civil unrest we condemn the unjust treatment of the Black community that has […]

Regan Holt, Former Founder and CEO of Uprising, Joins EverTrue

Episode 4: Data Lovers Unite Subscribe: iTunes/Stitcher/Spotify For a long time, Regan saw the same problems we (at EverTrue) did: systems that didn’t talk to each other, inaccurate or stale data enrichment, poor user and mobile experiences, and complex workflows that hold back good fundraisers. Now, we have the opportunity to work together to fix […]

Something for Your Ears: Announcing the RAISE Podcast. Jump into the First Episode.

Episode 1: Take the Guess Work Out of Organizational Success Subscribe: iTunes/Stitcher/Spotify For our premier, we knew we had to call up John Morris, Senior Vice President of Development at Kansas State University. Why? We’ve always been impressed by John’s approach and his commitment to a specific vision. You’ll hear how John confidently guarantees that all his […]

The Future of Volunteer Management

  Our experience as alumni volunteers sparked the idea for EverTrue. My co-founder Jesse and I are both scholarship kids. I was the first in my family to attend college. We wanted to give back in any way we could, so we began supporting our class reunions and annual funds right after graduation. We loved […]

The Digital Advancement Office of the Future: Williams College [SlideShare]

  Here’s a teaser of what’s in the SlideShare: Over the past few years, the expectations of donors, volunteers, staff, and leadership have changed. Advancement teams push on in pursuit of higher-than-ever fiscal year targets. Constituents and donors want to be engaged and solicited on their own terms. Volunteers expect tools and user experiences that mirror the technology they’ve grown accustomed […]

Introducing EverTrue for Gift Officers: Helping Road Warriors Work Smarter

“I spend too much time on administrative tasks.” “It takes days to get a report back when I’m planning a trip.” “It’s cumbersome to keep track of my portfolio in spreadsheets.” These are just some of challenges we’ve heard time and again from gift officers. In fact, the results of a survey of 500+ fundraising […]