Providing Local Flavor to Alumni

As with so many communities, the foods that students share help shape their experience together. Whether dining at a campus cafeteria for a study review, celebrating a team victory at a local burger joint or grabbing a late night slice at a popular pizza shop, the flavors and memories of these foods stir alumni to […]

Combining Institutional Efforts on Facebook

Over the past few weeks we’ve heard a lot from both clients and members of the CASE Social Media Listserve  around the topic of merging Facebook Alumni Pages & how to most effectively use Facebook Groups. After a little digging, it can be quickly seen the Facebook madness that many schools face: many confront multiple […]

There's No Place Like Home: School Devotion Turned to Action

As a lifelong fan of college basketball I appreciated a recent ESPN “30 for 30” called “There’s No Place Like Home.” The documentary told the story of a committed Kansas University fan, Josh Swade, who was set on reclaiming the original rules of the game to campus and went through a myriad of obstacles to make his dream for his school a […]

Claim Your Council: LinkedIn Board Connect

Yesterday LinkedIn announced some impressive numbers, a sleek updated profile view (get it early!) and an overview of recent feature updates. As presented by VP of Product Deep Nishar, updates were aimed to help members simplify, grow and easily access their professional identity everyday. While it’s hard not be bullish about the over 175K new […]

5 Reasons to Participate in #GivingTuesday

As Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals soon arrive #GivingTuesday looks to shake up the holiday season with a special type of gift — a day of giving back. #GivingTuesday is on a mission to establish a national day of giving. As stated on their website, “it celebrates and encourages charitable activities that support non-profit […]

Show Your School Colors With Twitter's New Layout

In an update that benefits both campus photographers and media mangers, Twitter recently launched a new layout. The change allows users to upload a “header photo” and more effectively expose interactive content, similar to Facebook’s Timeline. By analyzing The Top 50 of Forbes’ America’s Best Colleges and their Twitter accounts, it is found that 38% […]

Accounting for "The Alumni Factor" In College Rankings

Since its debut on September 10th, The Alumni Factor has been attracting a lot of attention. Whether through nationwide coverage in the Wall Street Journal, industry specific insights from The Chronicle of Higher Ed or a local tech perspective from BostInno, word is quickly spreading on how this alumni-centric ranking platform is disrupting traditional college […]

Accounting for "The Alumni Factor" In College Rankings

Since its debut on September 10th, The Alumni Factor has been attracting a lot of attention. Whether through nationwide coverage in the Wall Street Journal, industry specific insights from The Chronicle of Higher Ed or a local tech perspective from BostInno, word is quickly spreading on how this alumni-centric ranking platform is disrupting traditional college […]

How Brown Bridged Generations Through Campus Photos

Institutions evolve but their timeless landscapes often remain the same, providing an opportunity to bridge alumni from decades, or even centuries, apart to one another. This bridge came to life for Brown University through the photography of “Brown: Then, Now and Forever.” In this campaign Mike Cohea, Multimedia Producer/Photographer at Brown University, took shots from […]

Instagram for Advancement: Webinar Recap

Earlier this week Mark Zuckerburg announced that Instagram had reached over 100 million users and experienced 1179% growth since 6 months ago, a time when Facebook acquired the start up for nearly a billion dollars– a deal that many analysts are now calling “a steal”. This news was timely as yesterday we hosted our webinar […]

Another Way for Young Alumni to Give

Despite their recent warm memories as students, for many young alumni it can be difficult to donate much money to their alma mater. However, as well articulated in a recent post entitled “Why Development Should Ask Young Alumni For Content Before Money” by Ryan Catherwood at the University of Washington and Lee, these early years […]

7 Tweets to Promote An Alumni App

School is back in session. As students are learning what they have in store for the upcoming semester, advancement offices are gearing up for yet another busy season of student move-ins, homecoming and parent visits. To our client schools with all this action on campus, and online as well, capitalize on this time to get […]