Bringing The Move-In Experience to Alumni

All roads leading to Boston this weekend will be stormed with vehicles stuffed with notebooks, microwaves, school sweatshirts and students eager to kick off their year at one of the greater region’s 100 colleges, universities and community colleges. In total, there are over 250,000 students who will be studying in Boston and Cambridge alone this […]

Instagram for Advancement: An Upcoming EverTrue Webinar

If a picture can say a thousand words why can’t it help your advancement office discover new donors? This past May we highlighted in a post how Middlesex School effectively ran a campaign around the popular photosharing app called Instagram. After hearing a positive response and learning more about how alumni relations and development offices […]

CASE Europe Preview: How to Find Lost Alumni

As our team gears up for CASE Europe, we took some time to reflect back on our last trip to the UK. During that last visit we had the special opportunity to meet with advancement professionals from London School of Economics, University College of London, University of Oxford and University of Cambridge. “Lost alumni” was […]

Alumni Check-In on FourSquare

Alumni can attest that the environments that make up their campus memories are much more than mere structures. The fields they played on, the libraries they studied at, the dorms they lived in and the cafeterias where they ate all played an integral role in their personal development. So, when we heard how Syracuse University […]

Alumni Generated Content: #ThankuMarquetteU

Alumni have remarkable stories of their alma mater. Unfortunately, finding these captivating experiences and effectively communicating them to a large community is not easy. Yet, the advancement and marketing and communication offices at Marquette University have collaborated to accomplish the above in a social campaign entitled #ThankuMarquetteU. In short, #ThankuMarquetteU uses a combination of Twitter […]

How to Design and Run a Successful Class Gift Campaign

In 2011, I was the co-chair of the senior class gift at The College of William & Mary. With full confidence I can say it was both the most challenging and most rewarding experience of my college career. After the year-long campaign, my team ended up breaking every senior class gift record with 79% participation—all […]

AR in the EU – Measuring Success

Although drawing speculative conclusions from statistics is a common danger, statistics can also reveal some interesting relationships between measures that are vital to organizations, including alumni associations. The Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) recently conducted a study of more than 70 schools in Europe and Australia to better determine what alumni relations […]

Square for Advancement

While connecting with a few of our client schools for inspiration prior to our recent webinar Finish Strong: Last Minute Strategies for the Annual Fund, we came across plenty of great ideas and insights for fundraising. One initiative that resonated with our audience after the webinar was Pomfret’s use of mobile payment system, Square. First […]

How to Say “Thank You” to Your Online Donors

As alumni volunteers, we know that the end of the fiscal year can be tough. That’s why this past June our team focused on helping our clients and prospects finish strong. In the spirit of alumni love, we participated in each of our client school’s funds who have launched an app with us already this […]

The Loomis Chaffee Social Media Playbook

Yesterday, EverTrue was proud to hold its largest webinar to date with Mercedes Maskalik, Web Content Editor and Social Media Manager at The Loomis Chaffee School. We first discovered Mercedes (we must be living under a rock!) when we came across her piece in the Loomis Chaffee Alumni Magazine, titled “The Importance of Being Social.” We […]

The EverTrue Book Club

As established in many of our posts, we’re wild about LinkedIn at EverTrue. While recently strolling along some of my favorite advancement groups on LinkedIn, including Alumni Futures, APRA, AASP, On Fundraising and of course, CASE, I noted a discussion post on recommended reading for those in alumni relations and development. Inspired by this discussion […]

Four Factors For Reunion Gift Campaign Success

Last year, my Davidson College class marked its 10th reunion with an exceptional achievement: 77.8% of the class gave to our reunion gift. Not only did this alumni giving rate set a 10th reunion record at Davidson but the college also has never received more donations from any single class in one year. While I […]