Announcing EverTrue Presents 40 Under 40: Send Us Your Nominations!


We often find ourselves wondering about a lot of things. How late will we be if we stop to pet that dog? Does this ice cream cone color match our outfit? Are we the best at karaoke or just in the top ten?

But the thing we’re most curious about is what the next generation of fundraising looks like.

So, we figured we’d find out! And we’re putting out the call to get a little help from you.

Here’s the Deal

We want to know who’s up next in advancement. Who are the most creative and successful fundraisers working in higher ed today? Who’s reimagining what it means to work in this industry or, heck, the industry itself?

We’re lucky enough to have met quite a few people just like that. But we’ve heard enough stories to know there are so many more out there. That’s why we’re asking for some assistance.

If you know someone who’s bringing new ideas to advancement, transforming their institution’s approach with technology or engaging donors in never-before-seen ways, well, those are exactly the people we’re looking for. They could be working wonders with data, creating award-worthy content, closing gifts in new ways or doing something we’ve never could’ve imagined. We want to know about them all. 

You can submit nominations for our 40 Under 40 (and tell us all about why the nominee is so awesome) in the survey at the bottom of this very page.

And if you’re that person, go ahead and nominate yourself. We appreciate some self-promotion.

We’re collecting names until May 24th. Then our judges will enter a room where we’ll feed them pizza and coffee until they emerge with a list of names shaping the future of advancement.


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