99.9% Giving Participation!

An article from Dartmouth’s campus newspaper – The Dartmouth – caught my eye this morning.  Apparently all but one senior participated in the Class of 2010 Senior Class Gift.  All but one!  If my memory serves me, I know that my senior year we achieved participation in the mid-60% range and it was viewed as a successful effort.

So is this year’s performance just a fluke?  I did a little investigative blogging, and it appears that Dartmouth has cracked the code on senior class giving in the last 5 years.  The Big Green achieved 96% participation in the Class of ’09 Senior Gift and 92.5% in the Class of ’08 campaign, up from LESS THAN 20% in 2004!

source: www.classof2010gift.com

What’s the secret up in Hanover? If anyone knows a Dartmouth alumni relations or advancement official who might be able to comment, please pass along this post!

Full article here.

Ever True!

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