At EverTrue we keep a close eye on the fun alumni initiatives that our clients engage in to increase alumni giving. When we recently came across this compelling participation challenge by Suffield Academy in our inbox, we were instantly convinced that we wanted to share their most current campaign with our readers.
For the next 30 days, Suffield Academy aims to beat their rivals, The Williston Northhamption School and Berkshire School, in a race of alumni giving. Each day in the month of April, these schools will compete based on how many of their alumni give back to their institution.
As a team that appreciates a good rivalry, we found the simple messaging of this campaign effective: “Beat Williston” and “Beat Berkshire.” We also thought that Suffield Academy leveraged a very direct and reasonable request by telling alumni to participate with asking for a $5 gift. Beyond just using their website and an email marketing campaign to promote, Suffield went across all mediums by using their Facebook Page to get the word out even further!
Lastly, we found the video, shown below, an outstanding piece that showcased their student body getting involved in the campaign, and making an ask that we found engaging.
Good luck to Suffield, and to all schools in the midst of final pushes for alumni annual fund campaigns!
Have you recently seen a giving campaign that you admire? Let us know!