Jesse Bardo on Ashland University’s Success With EverTrue

Day in and day out, EverTrue works with advancement teams at primary schools, higher-ed institutions, and nonprofits across the globe to help them meet and exceed their fundraising goals. Not only are our customers excited about the opportunity to easily access clean data when they need it, but they’re also excited to begin connecting the dots between social media and advancement objectives. Ashland University is no exception.

This week, I caught up with EverTrue Customer Success Manager Jesse Bardo for his take on Ashland’s success with GivingTree. Check out our conversation below!

Tell us about why you’re excited to feature Ashland today.

Ashland is an exciting customer success story for us because they’re a team that is really focused on a number of different goals as an organization, but everyone is focused on getting there in their own unique ways. We have the social media team, the advancement data team, the researchers, the gift officers—everyone is working together to achieve these goals, but it’s not so siloed that they’re working in their own buckets. As I work with them, I’m so impressed that they can think of an initiative, go after it, and hit it from all these different angles. GivingTree really helps them do that.

Why do you think Ashland has seen success with GivingTree?

They’re in GivingTree all the time. I don’t think they came to the product with preconceived notions that they were only going to use it for a certain purpose. They looked at the new data, asked questions about what it meant for them, and were open about how GivingTree could be useful and how they could use it to collaborate across their organization. EverTrue isn’t interrupting any of the processes that they already had and are using today… we’re supplementing those processes.

What are you most looking forward to in continuing to work with the team at Ashland?

We’ve just scratched the surface. Everyone on the Ashland side is really revved up by the opportunity GivingTree presents for their data, and we’re going to really hit and exceed our goals together. There’s so much data to look at, and this is a really smart team, so I’m looking forward to seeing how far we can go with this.

Thanks, Jesse! For more, read our case study to learn why Matt Gullatta, Director of Advancement Services at Ashland University, chose EverTrue.

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