Facebook Insights: Analytics at Last!

EverTrue’s Alumni Connect platform integrates Facebook Connect, thereby enabling your alumni to share content they find interesting to their Facebook wall. We love this feature because engaged alumni can actually become distributors of content and serve as a filter on behalf of their friends. Sample screenshots are below:

We think data analysis is extremely important for alumni relations professionals, and we’re very optimistic about Facebook’s recent launch of Facebook Insights.  What are Facebook Insights?  From facebook.com/insights:

“Facebook Insights provides Facebook Page owners and Facebook Platform developers with metrics around their content. By understanding and analyzing trends within user growth and demographics, consumption of content, and creation of content, Page owners and Platform developers are better equipped to improve their business with Facebook”.

Here is a good excerpt from a recent Mashable article:

“The aggregate data covered in the new dashboard essentially highlights Facebook users’ sharing behavior related to both content on and off the site with better data, graphs and charts.

Users can visualize top level info, as well as drill down to look at specific metrics around individual stories and comments “Liked” on the page. Graphs in the Insights dashboard can even be saved, printed, or upsized and viewed in full screen mode.

Domain administrators who associate their domain with a user ID, page or application can view detailed — yet anonymous — demographic data for each domain. These demographic visualizations cover gender, age, country, city and language breakdowns for a comprehensive look at audience makeup.”

So how can you get access to such data? Go to facebook.com/insights and select “Insights for your Domain” in the upper-right corner.

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