During a recent visit with Tim Haller, our friend and the President of Sales Gauge, a few members of our team reflected on what it’s like to prospect in the social age. While contemplating the power of LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter to keep track of our contacts, one tool that Tim mentioned stuck out to us in particular; a tool that had its origins across the Charles by students studying at Harvard.
Newsle is an online platform that “finds articles about you, your friends and colleagues, and anyone else you care about and notifies you minutes or hours after they’re published.” Simply put, Newsle takes your contacts on LinkedIn, Facebook, Gmail or Outlook and matches it with recent news stories about those contacts.
Newsle Feed ViewThis platform is not totally new to the EverCrew. Just as it was getting underway, Brent (our Founder and CEO) first connected with Newsle Co-Founder Jonah Varon during the TechStars program in 2011. Newsle is not just for sales teams to see prospects making headlines, but also provides an easy way for advancement and fundraising professionals to track and congratulate donors within their network on their newsworthy achievements, and to celebrate their community. Whether it is a promotion, a recent publication or an award, Newsle will make sure you never miss another donor achievement within your network of social contacts.
For each article that appears in your feed (or optional grid-view) on Newsle, you are able to spread that article to your network. From the feed you can tweet an article out, post it on Facebook, send it by email or by simply say it’s awesome. If you want to just track celebs too, or the most famous people in your network, you can do that too and also keep an active profile on the platform itself. As Newsle initially aggregates contacts from your social accounts, it is a great reminder to expand your social reach by inviting alumni, donors and friends of your community to your social networks.
For a final pro-tip make sure to set up email notifications to always be up to date, and try out Newsle’s search function to research people that land outside your social network.
To sign up and get started go to newsle.com. Let us know what you think!