The 10 Characteristics of a High-Performing Alumni Relations Office

This article was originally published on the Marts and Lundy blog.

Belt-tightening among public and private institutions has alumni relations offices feeling under-resourced. However, this doesn’t always mean a compromise in the quality of the alumni relations operation; we have found 10 basic traits shared by high-performing alumni relations offices that allow them to effectively serve their constituents irrespective of resource allocation. Keep reading to learn why these alumni relations engagement characteristics are important.

1. Serves as the Alumni Gateway to the Institution

High-performing alumni relations offices function as a key portal for ALL alumni engagement at their institution—whether on campus, in communities, online or globally. The various ways that alumni can interact with the institution—networking, feedback, advocacy, volunteerism—may all be facilitated through the alumni office, which also serves as the voice of its graduates. Leading alumni offices have shifted their focus from “join and receive discounts” to “help advance your university”—a substantial change in dialogue that only a strong alumni gateway can foster.

2. Access to the University Leadership

Regular “face time” with the president, provost and deans will greatly heighten campus-wide appreciation for the role of the alumni office. This doesn’t have to be a frequent interface, particularly if there is not a direct line of reporting—but if the alumni office is to support the mission of the university, then it can’t effectively do so at arm’s length from the institution’s leadership. Leaders of high-performing alumni relations offices benefit from this level of visibility.

3. An Effective Alumni Board

Another alumni relations best practice is an effective board. A strong board is an invaluable asset that provides advice and policy that supports the institution’s strategy and goals. Much of the work of an alumni association occurs within board committees, so board members of a high-performing alumni relations office commit to fully understanding their role of in advancing the institution. Ohio State’s emeritus alumni director Dan Heinlen cautions that alumni boards can seem “weak” when compared to other university volunteer units (i.e., Trustees, Foundation Boards), where members are too often appointed as a reward for being good volunteers rather than for the leadership skill/influence/power needed to strengthen the board’s work.

4. A Business-Focused Approach

Many alumni relations mission statements are too vague: “Support the interests of the university by establishing mutually beneficial relationships.” High-performing alumni relations offices develop more specific mission statements and clearly stated strategic plans tied to institutional goals, and link operating budgets to key performance metrics. Understanding the alumni audience through effective use of research is a necessary business process; for instance, Stanford has translated this into seven core relational segments of alumni, supported through strategy and fund allocation. It’s a misnomer to think that alumni offices shouldn’t or couldn’t operate in the same vein as a for-profit company: effective alumni engagement doesn’t happen without a relevant strategy and core performance measures.

5. A Robust and Engaged Alumni Network

A network of volunteers is the alumni office’s “arms and legs” outside of the campus grounds. Their advocacy, recruitment, fundraising efforts, and contributions to career advancement of an institution’s graduates is second to none—yet they must be mobilized in an organized manner and trained as leaders to more effectively serve alma mater. Otherwise, loosely formed groups of alumni will meet on a largely social basis, undercutting their potential to be an engaged network. The high-performing alumni relations office enhances this network by establishing pathways to a culture of lifelong involvement, beginning from the student years.

6. Purposeful Programming

Many regional events attract a handful of alumni; are devoid of institutional programming; have no donor component or post-event follow-up; and cost thousands in food, beverage, and travel. Other events are driven by alumni in largely social settings. The high-performing alumni relations office adds to the social component by bringing the university to its alumni in more meaningful ways through collaboration with academic units and other campus partners. An institutional message is central to an effective alumni relations program; coordination with the development office ensures greater attendance; and post-event follow-up mines attendees for their potential to volunteer and give. This gives a greater sense of function and purpose to an external alumni association programming strategy.

7. A Centralized Approach to Alumni Relations

Alumni offices do not exist on an island but instead should be positioned to advance the institution as a whole. Alumni relations efforts across campus (i.e., within the colleges as well as the career services, admissions, student programming, and athletics offices) are often weak or non-existent; the high-performing successful alumni relations office and program works “centrally” to help elevate the broader institutional alumni engagement effort in a collaborative manner while sharing budgetary, marketing, and programming resources.

8. In Sync with Advancement Partners

Alumni relations is one of the “three legs” of the advancement continuum. But how often, for instance, is the alumni magazine published with no input from… the alumni relations office? And tension often exists between alumni relations and development. High-performing alumni relations offices work hand-in-hand with its advancement partners, each contributing to the success of the other. Of course, this requires a vice president that understands the strength of seamless collaboration among alumni relations, communications, and development (particularly the annual fund) but the result is a powerful and sustained advancement effort—and recognition of the importance of alumni engagement as an institutional asset.

9. Professional, Motivated Staff

The alumni relations profession has become increasingly vital to the success of the institution and requires the best talent, top to bottom. Alumni offices are no longer parking lots for retired faculty; alumni status (from the hiring institution) does not matter; and young staff members see alumni relations as a career path, not merely an alternative until they figure out their next move. Leaders of high-performing alumni relations offices focus on cultivating and retaining talent and establishing an organizational culture of professionalism and pursuit of excellence.

10. Committed to a Culture of Innovation and Improvement

The notion of “we’ve always done it this way” is an anathema to alumni offices, yet many continue to operate via tried-and-true practices because “this is the way we’ve always done it.” The high-performing alumni relations office is relentless in its quest to innovate and improve its programming, technology, and communications methods and seeking out best practices—particularly when it comes to understanding the needs of younger demographics.

Obviously, budgets and staffing matter to any alumni relations office. However, none of these 10 characteristics are constrained by a lack of resources; rather, they represent an overall approach on the part of the alumni relations leadership, staff, and board that the office is a vital institutional asset whose contributions to the advancement function must be maximized.

Enjoyed this article on alumni engagement best practices? Learn more about how you can engage your alumni in a modern way

Christopher Vlahos is a Senior Consultant at Marts & Lundy. He has worked in executive alumni relations management since 2001 and is the author of numerous blogs and articles, most notably his work on the link between alumni engagement and fundraising. His most recent Marts & Lundy report is “The Evolving Role of Alumni Relations: How institutions are organizing, mobilizing and measuring the value of alumni engagement.”

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