The Mobile Internet Report

Last December, Morgan Stanley released an extremely detailed report titled “The Mobile Internet Report.” The report was 659 pages — a near-record even by Wall Street research standards. Fortunately, Morgan Stanley also published a 92 page version that addresses all of the major themes. It’s a fascinating report, and I think it’s a worthwhile read for all communications professionals. Frankly, anyone interested in technology should check it out.

The conclusion of the report is, not surprisingly, that mobile is going to be big… really big. A key theme is that the global mobile device market could exceed 10 billion in the coming years. So that means more than one device per person? According to the CIA, 40 countries exceeded that level in 2007.

Here’s the slide:

Here are few other quotes from the report:

“The mobile Internet is ramping faster than desktop Internet did, and we believe more users may connect to the Internet via mobile devices than desktop PCs within 5 years.

Five IP-based products / services are growing / converging
and providing the underpinnings for dramatic growth in mobile Internet usage – 3G adoption + social networking + video + VoIP + impressive mobile devices.

Apple + Facebook platforms serving to raise the bar
for how users connect / communicate – their respective ramps in user and developer engagement may be unprecedented.”

A link to the report is here.

So what do you think? Is mobile all it’s cracked up to be? We sure think so.

Ever True!

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