“US News Best Colleges” on LinkedIn

Many recent grads this month have just one simple question on their mind:

“How am I going to land a job in THIS economy?”

With over 225 million professionals, and over 2 million groups catered to networking, LinkedIn is a fantastic place for these recent grads to find job opportunities from their new alumni community.

Shown in the infographic below, using our LinkedIn Alumni Grader we calculated how the Top 100 National Universities and Top 100 Liberal Arts Colleges of ‘US News’ would rank if their positions were based on LinkedIn Group adoption rates (i.e. the number of members in an institution’s largest LinkedIn Group divided by the full number of alumni that institution has on LinkedIn).

To discover secrets to success we asked the owner one of the highest ranking groups, Kevin Monahan, Associate Director of Business and Alumni Career Programs at Notre Dame. Kevin explained that the key to getting alumni to join a LinkedIn Group is to “make promoting the group a community effort — it’s important to get the career center, alumni association, regional chapters and lots of different people  to push it.”

In our findings we also found, unsurprisingly, that institutions that are better connected on LinkedIn also tend to have a higher giving rates. For example, when taking US News’ Top 100 Liberal Arts Colleges and re-ranking them by their LinkedIn Alumni adoption, we found that the top 10 LinkedIn Groups witnessed a 46% higher giving rate on average than those in the bottom 10. Apparently those who are compelled to associate with their alma mater online are also more likely to give.

Through insights from new platforms and tying those results to more traditional measures in advancement, such as annual giving, we’re absolutely amped to release these findings, and for stronger analyses in the future.

See our full findings in the infographic below, and check out a similar analysis of Boston-Area colleges in this recent post on BostInno!

Congrats to all the higher ed institutions who made our Top 10 lists above, including our clients Amherst College and  Virginia Military Institute, along with: Davidson College, United States Military Academy, Williams College, College of the Holy Cross, Wabash College, Claremont McKenna College, Bowdoin College, University of Notre Dame, Wake Forest University, Dartmouth College, Carnegie Mellon University, Columbia University, Emory University, SUNY ESF, Duke University, Cal Tech and Lehigh University.

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