Show Me the Money:
Talking Incentive Comp with UNH

Troy Finn

Hannah Davis

Mike Nagel
Incentive compensation. Performance pay. These don’t belong in higher ed.
Or do they?
Four years ago, when the University of New Hampshire launched the quiet phase of its current campaign, it also rolled out a new program: It would pay performance-based incentive compensation to its gift officers to maximize performance and augment base salaries while attracting and retaining top talent.
For the past three consecutive years, every eligible gift officer at UNH has hit their metrics — despite increased goals across the board — and activated their incentive comp. And the University just finished its top fundraising year of all time.
Incentive comp works. Join this executive session with Troy Finn, Associate Vice President of Development at UNH, for an inside look at how they’ve structured their program and how it’s paid off.